Saturday, March 28, 2009

I fell in love....

....with cleaning and organizing my house!

I'm hosting a party at my home this coming Thursday night, and so today has been dedicated to cleaning my house. Of course I will have to keep it clean throughout the week, but I wanted to get the big chores done and over with. I started looking around my house, and I began to get really depressed. It seems like no matter how hard I try, I just can't keep everything clean and decluttered! And trust me, I know how to clean. I grew up in a home that looked like a museum all the time--even my friends called it "the museum!" I don't know how my mom did it!

Well, I decided to look to the Internet for some ideas on how to keep my house clean, decluttered, and organized. I checked out several websites that gave some useful information, but they all wanted to sell me something. Being the thrifty girl that I am, I am definitely NOT going to pay for someone to tell me how to clean. I then stumbled upon a website called Organized Home. The second that I started to read this, my heart started to flutter, my knees went weak, and I knew I was in love!

Organized Home give you tons of information for cleaning and organizing your house, and you don't have to pay for it! Some of the topics that you can choose from are Clean House, Cutting Clutter, Get Organized, In The Kitchen, Family Ties, and Printables! Each topic has many different stories that you can choose from. There is even a fourteen week plan to organizing and cleaning your entire house--I'm not talking about regular cleaning--I'm talking thorough, crazy cleaning! You will love it!

I think that my favorite area of this website is the Printables area. It has so many different pages that you can print for FREE!!! You definitely need to check this out, because there are way to many printables for me tell you about. A few of them are: Daily To-Do List, Monthly Menu Planner, Pantry Inventory, Freezer Inventory, Craft Inventory, etc. Call me naive, but I never even thought about doing an inventory on my freezer or pantry!

I went through and organized all of my stacks and piles of craft items! I thought I would never get done. But I did, and it looks so much better! I still definitely have a long way to go to get my entire home decluttered and organized, but it sure looks a lot better, and I am ready for my party!


Miranda said...


I'm a neat freak so I totally get the 'joy' of a clean and tidy house. :)

E5! (My friend and I came up with that as a 'high five' over the internet. LOL

Tiffany said...

Sounds like a great website. Anything that could cause a person to be in love with cleaning and organizing is wonderful!

Taryn Zerner said...

Thank you SO MUCH for posting about this site, Darling! And, like Tiffany said, "anything that could cause a person to be in love with cleaning and organizing is wonderful!" I AGREE, Tiffany!
Again, I am gonna go check this site out.

Oh! I have to let you in on a FABULOUS seller of vintage inspired aprons on Etsy! Their name is SpiceRakDesigns (etsy name). I loved their work so much, I did a post about them! I thought about you, for like me, you have an obsession with APRONS! Their prices are pretty reasonable too. I have seen aprons go for big bucks, so compared to many others, they are great!


Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Your post is very timely for me as I slowly inch my way toward the spring cleaning I so desperately need to do. Thanks for the link; it looks like it will be very useful for me.

Dropping by to welcome you to SITS - glad to have you join us!

Sandy said...

This is the perfect post for me! i am really trying to get my house decluttered and more organized. I'll check it out:0)

Welcome to SITS!

Life with the Lees said...

Thanks for stopping by girls! I am so glad that you are going to check out this site! It is totally worth it, and it is realy helping me get organized! Also...thank you Taryn for telling me about the Etsy seller! Her stuff is gorgeous! Definitely going to be visiting her site a lot!

Carma Sez said...

I think we could all use some help de-cluttering!!

Stoppin' by to say "hi" and welcome to SITS. I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers.

carma :-)

Julie said...

Stopping by to say welcome to the SITS comunity. Hoping to get inspired here to do a little cleaning, this place is a disaster :)

Anonymous said...

Love this post! Thanks for the link, it has so many good ideas!!!